

Filtres actifs Tout effacer

Aucun filtre actif


Rapex - Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products

Alert/risk level
Type of public
Alert number
Alert submitted by
Country of origin
Is the product counterfeit
Alert/risk type
Risk legal provision
Product type
Product name
Product description
Product brand
Product category
Product model and/or type
OECD Portal category
Alert/risk description
Technical defect
Other countries with similar alerts
URL of the product recall
URL of the RAPEX data
Product barcode
Product batch number
Product recall code
Product production date
Product packaging description
Alert date (week)
Alert modification date (week)
URL of main product image
URL of other product images
Measures taken in submitting country
Alert/risk level
Type of public
Alert number
Alert submitted by
Country of origin
Is the product counterfeit
Alert/risk type
Risk legal provision
Product type
Product name
Product description
Product brand
Product category
Product model and/or type
OECD Portal category
Alert/risk description
Technical defect
Other countries with similar alerts
URL of the product recall
URL of the RAPEX data
Product barcode
Product batch number
Product recall code
Product production date
Product packaging description
Alert date (week)
Alert modification date (week)
URL of main product image
URL of other product images
Measures taken in submitting country
Toutes les dates et heures sont affichées dans le fuseau horaire Europe/Brussels.
Aucun résultat